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Imperial History Of The Middle East… See Why Iran Is Feared Throughout The Region.
If Alexander The Great is counted (He adopted Persian fashion)… Then four empires were centered on Persia over the past 5000 years.
Congress Kills “Cram-Down” Clause In Finacial Reform Bill.
“Cram-down” legislation, which would have let bankruptcy judges force lenders to accept not only lower, fixed interest rates on underwater home loans, but also give judges the power to reduce the principal to reflect current market value.”
Read More At Wonkette
Don’t forget to read the comments – They’re a HOOT!!!
Bachmann’s district continues to lead in foreclosures.
It appears that voting no on every anti-forclosure measure that crossed her path has paid off for Michelle Bachmann’s constituents. Her district leads her state in foreclosures. I wonder if They’ll remember that little tidbit come election time?
Courtesy of The Minnesota Independent