VictimsCategory Archives
America Has Over 200,000 Inmates Over 55 Serving Life Sentences…
A new report from the American Civil Liberties Union estimates that, by 2030, the over-55 group will number more than 400,000—about a third of the overall prison population.
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The Devil’s Breath… Scopolamine… Possibly The World’s Scariest Drug.
This drug grows wild on the streets of Columbia (and elsewhere!) and can turn you into a conscious zombie… It’s refined form can be made airborne with the slightest puff of breath. Wait until the government finds out that it’s in common use among Columbian prostitutes… The Secret Service will have a few more questions to answer… If they can, that is.
This is a long video… But well worth the watching.
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Elderly Couple Held At Gunpoint By Neighbors And Arrested For Changing Locks On Their New Home.
Jean Kalonji, 61 and his wife Angelica, 57… A Georgia couple who were changing the locks on their newly purchased home were accosted and held at gunpoint by their neighbors and then spent the night in jail when the local sheriffs refused to believe that the house was theirs. It wasn’t until the next day after they posted bond that the charges were dropped and the neighbors arrested for aggravated assault, trespassing and false imprisonment. The sheriffs deputies have not been charged. MORE
Jean and Angelica Kalonji… Vicious looking desperados… Aren’t they?
Robert and Brandon Canoles… They snuck up behind the Kilonjis with AR-15’s… Forced them to the ground by threatening to kill them and called the sheriffs… They were congratulated for their good work. Dad Robert says he can’t understand why he’s being charged… He has 2nd amendment rights to defend “their own”.
And We Thought We Were Free…
What Can REAL Republicans Do?
Well kiddies… Auntie is officially pissed. This Nugent fellow has pushed Auntie’s last button when it comes to the excesses the Republican Party is willing to tolerate to satisfy the radical and idiotic wing of their base.
It’s high time that the sensible majority of middle right conservatives quit sitting on their hands and take back their party before they end up wishing that they had. Imagine the collective remorsefulness that decent people will feel should we suffer another presidential assassination. Many people will rightfully and squarely lay the blame at the feet of the party that allowed its policies and message to become so divisive. And even those that simply don’t like Obama just because he’s a liberal won’t be immune to the guilt that comes from knowing that their voices could have been raised far enough in advance to uproot the poisonous plant of hatred whose tentacles are all but choking the life out of a once vibrant and sensible party.
And it goes without saying that these extremist hate-mongers and megalomaniacs can’t see far enough past their brain boiling vitriol to realize that killing the object of their hatred will only defeat their purpose by making him a martyr in the mold of JFK and MLK. It will take decades for the country… And even longer for the GOP to recover from the deep paroxysm that the USA is in for should such madness come to pass. Continue reading
Uncle Sam Is Trying Out Soylent Pink… In A Big Way!
Auntie Sez:
It’s interesting to note that the largest plant producing this stuff is in Dick Cheney’s District in Wyoming. McDonald’s won’t put it in its $1 Menu burgers… How bad is this stuff? Soylent Green Can’t Be Far Behind! If you love your kids… You should be pitching a fit to your school boards and representatives… Send an email to Michelle Obama too… She claims to be looking out for the kids… Let’s see if she’s serious.
From Huffington Post:
“Pink slime — that ammonia-treated meat in a bright Pepto-bismol shade — may have been rejected by fast food joints like McDonald’s, Taco Bell and Burger King, but is being brought in by the tons for the nation’s school lunch program.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is purchasing 7 million pounds of the “slime” for school lunches, The Daily reports. Officially termed “Lean Beef Trimmings,” the product is a ground-up combination of beef scraps, cow connective tissues and other beef trimmings that are treated with ammonium hydroxide to kill pathogens like salmonella and E. coli. It’s then blended into traditional meat products like ground beef and hamburger patties.
We originally called it soylent pink,” microbiologist Carl Custer, who worked at the Food Safety Inspection Service for 35 years, told The Daily. “We looked at the product and we objected to it because it used connective tissues instead of muscle. It was simply not nutritionally equivalent [to ground beef]. My main objection was that it was not meat.”
Custer and microbiologist Gerald Zernstein concluded in a study that the trimmings are a “high risk product,” but Zernstein tells The Daily that “scientists in D.C. were pressured to approve this stuff with minimal safety approval” under President George H.W. Bush’s administration. The USDA asserts that its ground beef purchases “meet the highest standard for food safety.”
Controversy surrounding “pink slime” stems from various safety concerns, particularly dangers associated with ammonium hydroxide, which can both be harmful to eat and has potential to turn into ammonium nitrate — a common component in homemade bombs, according to MSNBC. It’s also used in household cleaners and fertilizers.
In 2009, The New York Times reported that despite the added ammonia, tests of Lean Beef Trimmings of schools across the country revealed dozens of instances of E. coli and salmonella pathogens.
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