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And We Thought We Were Free…
What Can REAL Republicans Do?
Well kiddies… Auntie is officially pissed. This Nugent fellow has pushed Auntie’s last button when it comes to the excesses the Republican Party is willing to tolerate to satisfy the radical and idiotic wing of their base.
It’s high time that the sensible majority of middle right conservatives quit sitting on their hands and take back their party before they end up wishing that they had. Imagine the collective remorsefulness that decent people will feel should we suffer another presidential assassination. Many people will rightfully and squarely lay the blame at the feet of the party that allowed its policies and message to become so divisive. And even those that simply don’t like Obama just because he’s a liberal won’t be immune to the guilt that comes from knowing that their voices could have been raised far enough in advance to uproot the poisonous plant of hatred whose tentacles are all but choking the life out of a once vibrant and sensible party.
And it goes without saying that these extremist hate-mongers and megalomaniacs can’t see far enough past their brain boiling vitriol to realize that killing the object of their hatred will only defeat their purpose by making him a martyr in the mold of JFK and MLK. It will take decades for the country… And even longer for the GOP to recover from the deep paroxysm that the USA is in for should such madness come to pass. Continue reading