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"Listen To Your Auntie"

EconomyCategory Archives

America Has Over 200,000 Inmates Over 55 Serving Life Sentences…

A new report from the American Civil Liberties Union estimates that, by 2030, the over-55 group will number more than 400,000—about a third of the overall prison population.

Read More HERE

An Obvious Difference Of Opinion…

America… Fat, Dumb And Happy.

Is it any wonder that the politicians and robber barons feel absolutely no compunction about raping, pillaging and looting the American economy?  We’re so stuffed full of cheap eats and enthralled by so many cheap goodies that we’re practically comatose.

Auntie Sez –

“You knuckleheads better pay attention to history.” ” You poor schmucks are headed down the same path as the Romans”  “Bread and Circuses… Domino’s and Reality TV… Really no difference.”  “It’s all there if you can suck down enough Red Bull to roam your red rimmed peepers across this article.



Major Droughts To Cause Mass Evacuations In U.S. Southwest.


Here’s the bad news in a nutshell: if you live in the Southwest or just about anywhere in the American West, you or your children and grandchildren could soon enough be facing the Age of Thirst, which may also prove to be the greatest water crisis in the history of civilization.  No kidding.

We know at least one big thing about how this particular tragedy will turn out: the so-called civilization of the Southwest will not survive the present century, not at its present scale anyway. The question yet to be answered is how much it will have to shrink, and at what cost. Stay tuned. It will be one of the greatest, if grimmest, shows on Earth.

Read On HERE

G.O.P. Logic – Unexplainable Assholery.

Congressional Logic.

Aunty says – “It’s time to clean house… The House, that is.”

Let’s start with any and all members who’ve signed a “pledge” that limits their options for compromise.

This Is How Employers View Workers Over 50 Who Have Been Unemployed For A Year Or Longer.


“And the knuckleheads in Congress want to raise the retirement age too.” – Auntie

Why You Need To Master Math For College.

“And this is after the folks go into hock up to their ears.” – Auntie

The One Percenters Vs. Vampires…

Japan’s Nuclear Disaster – Can We Ignore It Away?

Maybe it’s a good thing we decided to bomb Libya so that the country’s attention could be diverted. Apparently Charlie Sheen’s meltdown wasn’t a big enough draw.

At least three of the six nuclear reactors in Fukushima, Japan are in some stage of meltdown and the U.S. is seriously considering evacuating the Yokosuka  Navy base that happens to be further south from those reactors than Tokyo is.  But fortunately for Tokyo’s 13 million residents… The prevailing winds blow eastwards… Towards north and south America.  Of course that’s small consolation when one considers that Tokyo’s groundwater and food supplies could be at risk.

If any one of those units goes into full meltdown… The plume will be enormous!  Exponentially so if the others go.  This situation has the potential  to dwarf Chernobyl in human and economic impact.  Japan’s population of 135 million is crammed into a space slightly smaller than the state of California and faces at least two reactors melting down mere yards from the sea… While Chernobyl was a single reactor meltdown that never reached groundwater and it’s plume affected an area several times larger.  Chernobyl also is not 135 miles from a city of 13 million.   Granted that Kiev is less than 100 miles away and has a population of 2 million… But they at least had room to run.  Where does one shift more than 13 million people to on an island that’s already packed with people? Continue reading »