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"Listen To Your Auntie"

HypocrisyCategory Archives

So Say The Phone Sheep…

his fault

odd sheep

Right Wing Idiot Has Opinion… Wrong World View.

Somebody Please Explain How The GOP Lost ANY Votes… I Don’t Get It.

FOX News Gives Up Even TRYING To Be Factual… Do It’s Watchers Even Care?

Why Auntie Won’t Be Buying Any Papa John’s Pizza…

Fox News… Alternative History Incorporated.

How The GOP Felt On November 7th…

Sore Losers… Unite!!!

And Angry Twitterers Were Rampaging… Not Intelligently… But Raging Nonetheless.

GOP… When You’re Asking Yourself Why.

Elderly Couple Held At Gunpoint By Neighbors And Arrested For Changing Locks On Their New Home.

Jean Kalonji, 61 and his wife Angelica, 57… A Georgia couple who were changing the locks on their newly purchased home were accosted and held at gunpoint by their neighbors and then spent the night in jail when the local sheriffs refused to believe that the house was theirs.  It wasn’t until the next day after they posted bond that the charges were dropped and the neighbors arrested for aggravated assault, trespassing and false imprisonment.  The sheriffs deputies have not been charged.  MORE

Jean and Angelica Kalonji… Vicious looking desperados… Aren’t they?

Robert and Brandon Canoles… They snuck up behind the Kilonjis with AR-15’s… Forced them to the ground by threatening to kill them and called the sheriffs… They were congratulated for their good work.  Dad Robert says he can’t understand why he’s being charged… He has 2nd amendment rights to defend “their own”.