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"Listen To Your Auntie"

Lessons Learned (Maybe)Category Archives

Auntie Agrees That These Are Indeed Pearls Of Wisdom…

Life Explained… Figure Out Where You Fit.

Memo To Mitt, Rick And Rush…

Uncle Sam Needs To Chillax… Seriously.

If Uncle Doesn’t Learn To Chill… It’s Gonna Be Fatal.

Imperial History Of The Middle East… See Why Iran Is Feared Throughout The Region.

If Alexander The Great is counted (He adopted Persian fashion)… Then four empires were centered on Persia over the past 5000 years.

Too Many Of Our Politicians Need A Refresher Course…

Interracial Marriage…

America… Fat, Dumb And Happy.

Is it any wonder that the politicians and robber barons feel absolutely no compunction about raping, pillaging and looting the American economy?  We’re so stuffed full of cheap eats and enthralled by so many cheap goodies that we’re practically comatose.

Auntie Sez –

“You knuckleheads better pay attention to history.” ” You poor schmucks are headed down the same path as the Romans”  “Bread and Circuses… Domino’s and Reality TV… Really no difference.”  “It’s all there if you can suck down enough Red Bull to roam your red rimmed peepers across this article.



It’s Too Bad That By The Time You Get Your Mind Straight… You’re Too Old To Do Much With It.

Why You Need To Master Math For College.

“And this is after the folks go into hock up to their ears.” – Auntie